Saturday, December 19, 2020

Get Back Up!


I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. - Ecclesiastes 9:11 KJV 


Let’s imagine you as a young child preparing to participate in a foot race with some of your friends from the neighborhood. Everyone is lined up horizontally along the street and you’re waiting to hear the word GO!


 Ready, Set, Off you go.


You’re charging as fast as you can all while taking a glimpse to your left and right to see if you’re still in first place or not. The makeshift finish line seems so far away yet so close. You’re almost there and you are excited that you can see the finish mark with your eyes; yet somehow while running the race your feet get crossed, causing you to trip and down you go. You’ve fallen and you’re now watching everyone else continue the race ahead of you . . . 


Doesn’t this story sound much like what we as people are doing on a daily basis. We are running a race of life and everyday, somehow, some way, stumbling blocks and trials appear that seem to knock us off of the course. Many have been knocked down with only minor scratches; something most may consider as being easier to recover from. But then there are those that have suffered greater injuries. The trials of life have seemed to knock them to a place of no return. Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, financial hardships or just unhealthy mental thoughts.


 Many would look at people with some of the examples described and turn their heads in disgrace. But can I tell you that these are common issues in the life of many believers today. It’s not always having trouble with going to church or joining some local small group for a Bible study; it’s the daily battles that seem to plague the mind and spirit of many church goers.


How do I recover from having bad credit? 

How will I ever get out of this bad marriage? 

Is this all that life has to offer me? 


Real life questions that can be easily answered by a Real God. Some may believe they have control over how their life is going and that they are responsible for “fixing it” ; but may I suggest to you the only one that can truly fix your situation is Jesus. Christ died for us to save us from our sins, from our pain, and the shame created as a result of our mistakes. He’s sitting on the sidelines waiting on us to allow Him to be God in our lives. He wants us to “Get back up.” I know you may be wondering how do I get back up? You get back up by giving your problems and concerns to Him. Every single one of them. The hurt, the disappointment, the anxieties, the unforgiveness . .  all of it. You give it to Him through prayer, fasting, reading your word . . all of which equates to spending time with Him. He wants to give you the answer and solution to the problems that seem like HUGE MOUNTAINS to you. He wants to show you there is a better way and that what you’ve been trying to do has failed only because you’ve been doing so in your own strength. He wants to show you that He is your God, and how He cares about even the smallest things in your life. There’s not one question that is considered too small and certainly none to big that He can’t give an answer too. 


In the Bible we see many references of those who faced battles yet they knew who to consult for the answer. They tried and failed just like many of you have today yet the moment they tried with God their story changed. Take David for example. We see David on a strenuous journey. He’s anointed to be king at the age of 15 yet he doesn’t take the position of being the king until he’s 30. While David was a warrior and fought many battles, he went through many testings and hurdles that stretched his faith in God. Try having your wife taken from you and given to another man or here’s another, what about being on the run for your life because your father-in-law is trying to kill you? Makes you raise your eyebrows huh? Although it may sound absurd, these are real life battles that real individuals in the Bible went through on a daily basis and sometimes for long periods of time. Recognizing these similar stories of old, be encouraged by knowing that your battles and the things that have made you trip up in life, are not and were not designed to keep you down.


You must rise in your God given authority by getting back up and knowing who you are in Christ. This race is not given to the swift nor to the strong but to the one that endures till the end. It doesn’t mean that you won’t have some slip ups and shortcomings but it does mean that when you experience them, you have a loving Savior who through His pure love, mercy and grace for you will allow you to get back up again.


Stop beating yourself up and don’t hold your head down another day. Get back up, get into His word. His word is truth and He is His word so allow His instructions to guide you along this race and know that you will cross the finish line. 

Arkimberly Jiles 


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