Friday, July 9, 2021

Pray Even If You Don’t Feel It

Prayer, an action word. 

Prayer, communication with God. 

Prayer, something you were taught to do even as a little child. Maybe you prayed before you went to bed, or maybe your parents trained you to say your grace and pray before an ounce of food touched your mouth. Whether you learned to pray as a little child or you’ve developed a personal relationship with God since you’ve been an adult; prayer, which is communication with our Heavenly Father, is essential to our growth in God. 


In a world with so many options or selections, it’s easy to think that we have a choice in whom we pray too. But may I suggest to you that prayer is divine conversation with your creator, and our creator is God, Jesus Christ Himself. We often hear people say I’m praying for you, but in reality it’s just become a conversation piece. People aren’t really praying to God, they just use their words to say they are praying. But can I encourage you to pray more? Can I encourage you to pray even if you don’t feel anything. Prayer, much like the gift of salvation isn’t based off of emotionalism. It is pure assurance and confidence in God that whenever we pray, whether we feel something or not; we know He is with us. 


True enough God moves upon each of us in different ways and there are times when you will feel the tangible presence of God upon your body, but it doesn’t mean when you don’t feel anything that He’s not there. This is what Faith is, the assurance or confidence that God exist even when we can’t see Him. Faith is trusting and knowing that something is what we believe it to be even when we can’t put our eyes on it. Prayer is effective communication with God. He hears us no matter what our educational or social background is. Prayer is a universal language and when we use it, God hears us from His home in Heaven.


 You may be praying one day and suddenly you get the urge to stop, all because you feel like you aren’t being heard or you don’t feel anything. Don’t stop, Keep praying; this is all a trick of the enemy to side track you and stop you from doing what even he knows works. Even the devil knows there is but one God and when we, the children of God cry out to Him; He hears us. 2 Chronicles 7:14 says, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” So if we humble ourselves and pray, He didn’t say if we pray and feel something. He simply says if we humble ourselves and pray and seek His face and turn from our wicked ways, He will forgive our sins and heal our land. So many of us are in need of healing and restoration. We need to be cleansed and made whole, but the only way to get this is through prayer.


Pray when you see something happening. 

Pray when you don’t see anything happening.

Pray when you feel something.

Pray when you don’t feel anything.

Pray when you’re happy.

Pray when you’re sad.

Pray when you’re frustrated.

Pray when you’re mad. 


Our emotions don’t bully or intimidate God, they don’t run Him away. God is able to handle whatever situation we bring to Him, the key is that we actually bring it to Him through prayer. Prayer is not only communication with God, prayer is a dangerous weapon against the enemy. It is a tool that we as believers can use to fight in this spiritual war. Ephesians 6:12 we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. So that means this war isn’t over flesh and blood. And we are only effective warriors when we pray using a weapon that is not based on flesh and blood either. So don’t wait on a feeling to solidify or validate the authenticity of your prayer or interaction with God. Allow your confidence in Him, the assurance that you have in God to rise. As a lot of the older saints would say, you must know in your “knower” that God has heard you. Whatever you do, DON'T STOP PRAYING!!

 Min. Arkimberly Jiles 

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