Monday, September 16, 2024

2024 National Youth Convention Essay Winner - Tyra F.

Faith Tabernacle AOH

“No Limit for World Changers”

It is much easier to stand behind someone and follow them rather than to stand out and it is uncomfortable to stand alone. It takes great courage to be a leader, to be admired, and needed. Although so much is required, everyone has the capacity to change the world. There are multiple God-fearing leaders that many admire today, Martin Luther King jr., Mahatma Gandhi, and Billy Graham. But also many great leaders from much farther back in time, such as David, Moses, and Noah who are still admired today. It is not possible that any of these men would’ve known that God would’ve allowed them to reach their full potential. It is also not possible for them to have known that they would rebuild their communities or cleanse the hearts of nations, however, it was God’s love and mercy that allowed them to be such powerful leaders and creators of change.

Many profound leaders in the Bible did not have humble beginnings. Adam, Eve, Sarah, Jacob, Saul, to name a few, had fell from grace on many occasions (Hebrews 11). It was God’s love and redemption that caused a drastic change in each of their lives. Leading their lives by God’s example and giving God a “yes” no matter their uncertainty in any situation, allowed for them to change whole nations. Noah, alone, was tasked with saving the entire human race and animal kingdom, and without fail he obediently listened to God and was successful (Genesis 6:13-22). Moses killed a man before he saved all of Israel (Exodus 2:11-22). David, who was one of the greatest leaders of Israel, committed murder and adultery, but through God’s salvation he turned his life around and was able to usher in unity and God’s word amongst the people of Israel (Psalm 133).

God does not want perfection from us. Many great leaders had their shortcomings but these great leaders were successful because they listened to God as he guided them through plagues, spiritual, and physical warfare. To change your community or the world you do not need to slay giants or save nations, you need to lean and depend on God. Psalm 27:1 says,“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”. With God all things are possible. In all of your wrong doing, by seeking God’s forgiving kindness and mercy he will allow you to redesign yourself, people, and whole nations to reflect his will. God has set no bounds that does not allow his followers to not be leaders. He in fact has encouraged us to be leaders (Genesis 1:26). To be strong willed and proclaim him as Christ our lord. In these challenging times where the devil is running rampant and confusion is omnipresent, there is no limit for world changers (Romans 12:4–6; 2 Chronicles 16:9).


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